Re: OK, I shut down the computer...
Step 1. Print these instructions.
On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 11:26 AM, John Posada<jposada99 -at- gmail -dot- com> wrote:
BTW...telling them to print the instructions isn't an option...we've
found that 1) many users don't have printers, 2), if we tell them to
print, we then have to support printing issues, which we don't do, and
3) The purpose of this instruction is call deflection (very common in
this industry segment) and printing support calls would increase
INSTEAD they have to either read and memorize the instructions (fat chance - or slim chance - same thing) or write them down.
Now to us, people who write for a living (plus myself who also runs pony rides on weekends), writing stuff down on paper seems simple.
I don't think they teach that in school much anymore, based on interviews with parents of the kids we put on ponies.
So INSTEAD INSTEAD, is there any chance they can do the work with the computer turned on, and then if that doesn't fix the problem, go back and try all the same steps, but turning it off as step zero, and then turning it back on after step three, or whatever?
Or INSTEAD INSTEAD INSTEAD write the whole thing up as "You're not going to believe this, but ... [silly turn-it-off instructions]."
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