Re: man Pages

Subject: Re: man Pages
From: Christopher Carmichael <chrisc -at- SYNERGYMICRO -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 23 Jan 1998 14:58:00 -0800

At 5:33 PM -0500 01.23.1998, John Posada wrote:
>Chris...the part that worries me is that I recall seeing hyperlinks in
>some man pages that appeared on the screen in reverse video. How do I
>create that effect and how to I create the hyperlink? Was I imagining

I didn't have URLs and/or hyperlinks in the man files, so . . . I can't
comment on that. Perhaps one of the UNIX gurus knows the exact answer.

>Are there specifics such as line length or is that taken care of when its
>run through the UNIX text editor.

Yes, you are correct sir. I set my man file sat 38 before the line break.
Easy to do from the MS Word front . . . .

> I also assume that when I open and save in vi, that the PC end of line/end
>of file will convert to the appropriate UNIX end of line/end of file
>characters ?

Yes -- it's been about 10-months sense I did this -- but I had to run the
file through a filter "Dos2Unix" or something to that effect. Like VI, XV
and utilities, it was a freebie.

>I use CuteFTP for my FTPing

Yes, any qualified ftp program would do it -- and CuteFTP is perhaps one of
the easier to use on the PC. On Mac, I like "Fetch 3.01." Both are great
shareware and are inexpensive to register.

Hope this helps! Make it a better weekend.

| Chris Carmichael Half the people you know are below average. |
| Synergy Microsystems, Inc. 99-percent of lawyers give |
| San Diego, California, EEUU the rest a bad name. |

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