Re: The Writer's Kit

Subject: Re: The Writer's Kit
From: Tracy Boyington <tracy_boyington -at- OKVOTECH -dot- ORG>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 08:05:03 -0600

> It seems to me that the only reason a TW contractee should require that
> a contractor use a particular tool is that the docs will be passed on
> eventually to someone who ONLY knows a particular tool. (Which is why
> I'm stuck using Word.)

Not necessarily to someone who only KNOWS a particular tool, but also to
someone who only USES a particular tool -- or am I the only one who
knows more than one product but must use the software my organization
decides to use? Or perhaps this is a supply and demand issue -- people
who want to work for us must use the software we use, but that might
change if we had a smaller supply of contractors.

Tracy Boyington tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education
Stillwater, OK, USA

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