Re: The Writer's Kit

Subject: Re: The Writer's Kit
From: Melonie Holliman <mrh -at- ABMDATA -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 07:57:14 -0600


We have all pretty much agreed that most people do not understand
what a technical writer does. I have found that most people looking
for a technical writer look for the tool first and writing skills
second. So, the more tools I know, the more marketable I am.
Now, in my opion my DTP skills are the least valuable part of my
performance, but the long list of software programs I have mastered
gets me noticed. Then I have the opportunity to show them the value
of good writing (and I do try to educate people in this).

I have received jobs or contract because I know one or more of
these programs: MSWord, Framemaker, Interleaf, Pagemaker and

Melonie Holliman
The Tech Writer
ABM Data Systems, Inc.
Austin, TX
(mrh -at- abmdata -dot- com)

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