Re: The Writer's Kit

Subject: Re: The Writer's Kit
From: "Wilcox, John (WWC, Contractor)" <wilcoxj -at- WDNI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:21:00 -0800

From: Tracy Boyington

I wrote:
> It seems to me that the only reason a TW contractee should require
> a contractor use a particular tool is that the docs will be passed on
> eventually to someone who ONLY knows a particular tool. (Which is why
> I'm stuck using Word.)

Tracy wrote:
Not necessarily to someone who only KNOWS a particular tool, but also to
someone who only USES a particular tool -- or am I the only one who
knows more than one product but must use the software my organization
decides to use?

>>> No, you certainly have plenty of company.

Or perhaps this is a supply and demand issue -- people
who want to work for us must use the software we use, but that might
change if we had a smaller supply of contractors.
Tracy's hit on the key -- supply and demand. A company has a right to
ask whatever they want. We have to play by the golden rule -- he who
has the gold rules. Even though it may be the clumsiest, bulkiest,
buggiest word processor of DTP program out there, if you want the job
you'll use it. And that's why I'm using Word right now. (It's also why
I'm using MS Mail.)

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