SGML again

Subject: SGML again
From: Mark Levinson <mark -at- CRABAPPLE -dot- BITNET>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 09:11:14 IDT

I just realized I've been working for more than a year with a
book that would be something of an incurable SGML misfit.
Because I have some twenty chapters, I've organized them
into five larger groupings just to keep the reader's eyes
from glazing over.

The chapters have the real meaningful names ("Block Diagrams,"
"State Diagrams") whereas the higher-level sections they're
grouped into are named more vaguely ("Getting Started," "Capturing
Your Design").

Having control over the graphical presentation, I can make sure
that the more specific and helpful names (the lower of the two
levels) get properly emphasized while the vague higher-level
names don't receive more emphasis than they deserve.

No generator of SGML output would have any way of knowing
that the second level of sections is more important than the
first level, would it?
Mark L. Levinson, SEE Technologies, Box 544, Herzlia, Israel
mark -at- dcl-see -dot- co -dot- il | voice +972-9-584684, ext. 230 | fax +972-9-543917

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