Setting up online help/documentation systems

Subject: Setting up online help/documentation systems
From: Deb Carnegie <deb -at- SYMBOLOGIC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1993 12:59:00 P

I'm currently in the position of developing a new documentation set entirely
from scratch. There is no existing documentation to model after, and I am
responsible for defining style, content and delivery. One requirement is
that the bulk of the information (everything except installation
information) be delivered online. I'm currently using FrameMaker for word
processing, but using FrameReader or FrameViewer is not an option for me for
electronic distribution.

My current impulse is to either continue creating the doc with FrameMaker
and then use a product such as FastTag (by Avalanche) to tag and create SGML
documents, and then use some electronic viewing tool, or to purchase a
system such as Interleaf which has both document creation and viewing tools
that I can use.

My company is currently very small and I am the only writer, but I would
like to implement a system and processes which can evolve with the
documentation set and also the group of writers I'd like to put together.
Although I have an awareness of the high level issues, this project is
pretty much uncharted territory for me -- if anyone has been through a
similar experience and has comments or has product suggestions, I'd be
greatly appreciative.

Debra Carnegie
Symbologic Corporation
deb -at- symbologic -dot- com

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