Re: STC Bulletin Board Address?

Subject: Re: STC Bulletin Board Address?
From: Andrew Davis <adavis -at- VERITY -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 19:08:28 PST

}From: Marj Rush Hovde <os1 -at- MACE -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU>
}Subject: STC Bulletin Board Address?

}A friend of mine who isn't yet subscribed to this list
}would like to know if there
}is an STC bulletin board and, if so, what its address is.

Yes, there is an STC bulletin board (actually, an electronic BBS). Use your
favorite telecom software to dial (703) 522-3299 and use your STC
membership number (look in the top right corner of the mailing label on your
issue of "Intercom," for example) as your password. You only need to supply
this number the first time you dial in; you can change it during your first

The BBS gives you access a number of STC resources, including an index to
articles in Intercom (the monthly newsletter) and Technical Communication (the
quarterly journal).

If you'd prefer the old-fashioned, hardcopy kind of bulletin board, inquire
of the good folk at STC HQ by sending email to stc -at- tmn -dot- com -dot- Their mailing
address is:

STC, 901 North Stuart Street, #904, Arlington, VA 22203


- Andrew Davis
President, San Francisco STC
adavis -at- netcom -dot- com

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