Re: Address for university in US, please?

Subject: Re: Address for university in US, please?
From: Andrew Davis <adavis -at- VERITY -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 18:46:37 PST

}From: Shannon Ford <shannon -at- UNIFACE -dot- NL>
}Subject: Address for university in US, please?

}Can anyone on the West coast give me the contact address (email or otherwise)
}for UC Santa Cruz and Cal State San Francisco (or is it a UC??)?

I'm not sure there is an email address for UCSC and UCSF, but if you're
interested here are the respective managers/deans of the Tech Pubs Certificate
programs for Tech Pubs Management/students:

UC Santa Cruz Extension, Certificate Program in Mgt of Pubs and Doc
Shirley Krestas, tel = (408) 986-9373

Bridgit Burke, Dean, Tech Pubs Certificate program, San Francisco State
W: (415) 543-1836 x203

Both Shirley and Bridgit will be on a panel talking about Technical
Communications Education in the Bay Area at the San Francisco STC meeting on

-- Andrew Davis
President, San Francisco STC
Verity, Inc. |
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chez Verity: chez moi: |
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adavis -at- verity -dot- com adavis -at- netcom -dot- com |

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