Re: Style Sheet (Reply to various Replies)

Subject: Re: Style Sheet (Reply to various Replies)
From: Deb Smith <tscom007 -at- DUNX1 -dot- OCS -dot- DREXEL -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 2 Nov 1993 14:08:22 EST

M. Gerard (margaret -at- toshiba -dot- tic -dot- oz -dot- au) writes:

>What sort of manual is it and who is the intended audience?
>What system are you using to produce it?
>A little more information would make it easier to post a response.

It is a software manual, intended mainly for sysops or managers
(not all assumed to be totally computer literate)
I am using Mac MSWORD, 'cause that's all I have available to me at
the moment. I am hoping to learn framemaker soon.

This response took me a little off guard, as my assumption was that
a style sheet is a document describing the visual and written guidelines
for producing other documents. I have made several decisions concerning the
set up of the manual, but am not sure how to organize them for someone else
to follow.

Various other responses suggested I divide a paper into a grid. Each
section holds an idea or set of related ideas.

I like this, as it sounds like a good way to begin organizing my
various notes on both the written and visual guidelines. And, Tammy, thanks
for reminding me that I should include how to spell particular terms.


The STC journal Technical Communication (Vol. 40, #3; Third Quarter; August
1993) is one I am currently searching for at my library. It seems to be
quite popular, as it is always out when I go there. I'll keep trying to
find it.


Thanks for your responses. Does anyone have anything to add?


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