Re: punctuating the end of bullet points
The Sun Style Guide suggests
- End all sentence fragments with no punctuation
- End all sentences with appropriate punctuation
Um, actually that's not exactly what it says. The recommendations
in _Read Me First_ (the "Sun Style Guide") are a bit more nuanced:
For consistency, follow these guidelines when you
construct the items in lists:
* Capitalize the first word of each list item in all lists,
except for placeholders and other literal computer terms.
* Use punctuation at the end of each item in a list of
complete sentences.
* Use no punctuation at the end of each item in a list of
sentence fragments.
Avoid mixing complete sentences and sentence fragments in the
same list. If you must have a mixed list, add periods at the
end of every list item.
To make the list items parallel, a sentence in a mixed list
might be preceded by a fragment that describes or introduces
the sentence. The fragment ends with a period. The following
examples illustrate this recommendation.
o Fragment
o Fragment
o This item is a complete sentence.
o Fragment
o Fragment.
o Fragment.
o This item is a complete sentence.
o Fragment.
o Fragment.
o Fragment.
o Fragment. This item is a complete sentence.
o Fragment.
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