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Subject:RE: font size equivalence From:"Teri A. Ward" <taw0200 -at- eeidf002 -dot- ca -dot- boeing -dot- com> To:"TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com> Date:Wed, 17 Jan 2001 14:09:28 -0800 (PST)
Elizabeth Cummings wrote:
> I just wondered if there were some font sizing secret
> I hadn't been privy to.
The best font sizing secret is to leave the default font!
By not specifying a font size or type, you allow the user
to view the site using their own set preferences.
For example:
1. On my PC (1024x768 screen rez), my preferences are set
to Tahoma 10-pt
2. On my Unix box (1600x1200 screen rez), my preferences
are set to Times 14 pt
It's taken some experimentation on my part to decide what
font and size looks best on each. When I'm able to view
web sites with these preferences I'm a happy camper indeed
(and more likely to hang around, and even spend money, at
these web sites). When the text is literally unreadable
because some web designer wants it to look "just so" at
800x600, forcing me to stop and bump up the fonts, I get
cranky - fast - and vow never to return.
Just one very crotchety two pesos worth. Harumph.
Teri Anne Ward
Tech Writer/Web Designer
Develop HTML-Based Help with Macromedia Dreamweaver 4 ($100 STC Discount)
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