HTML authoring

Subject: HTML authoring
From: Kathryn Northcut <KNorthcut -at- TASC -dot- USDA -dot- GOV>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 16:57:28 -0600

Greetings. Urgent query from one of my engineer/programmer
coworkers (who thinks that tech writers are cool because we can
answer important questions we know nothing about): Given Windows
95 and Apache as a web server, what is the HTML authoring tool you'd
recommend (having used it) or NOT recommend (having used it)?

Mea culpa starts here: Yes, we know our stuff is outdated but it's
government contract work (don't shoot me, please) and I know what
recommendations have been made in the past but we're shopping for a
*fancy, new* tool.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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