Re: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?

Subject: Re: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?
From: Julie Bruce <jbruce -at- CYBERLOG -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 09:12:06 -0500

Michael Bryans <michaelb -at- HCL -dot- COM> on 04/14/99 08:59:09 AM

Please respond to Michael Bryans <michaelb -at- HCL -dot- COM>

cc: (bcc: Julie C Bruce/cyberlog)
Subject: Re: How Do You NOT Mention Salary First?

Julie is a bit lost as to the market, and her value. This is common if
one is starting out or in the early career stages...many people undervalue

Actually, Every time I have moved I have gotten a much, much larger
raise.than 15%. I simply stated that was what I was told when I was
looking. I believe that all of my jumps between jobs have been somewhere
in the 30% range. I felt that this was strange but that was what they were
offering and I didn't complain. I did find out that the first time I took
the jump I stated a salary that was about 30% more than my then current
salary and that amount was actually less than they had planned on paying
me. Needless to say, they jumped to pay what I requested.

Julie, if 15% improvement makes you happy, then power to
you. If your poker instincts tell you not to fold, then stay in the game or
bet higher.

I have interviewed for jobs that paid much more than the 15% and I have
been hired for those jobs but my poker instincts have told me not to fold
so I haven't. It's all a game. You just have to figure out the strategy
that will get you what you want.

Julie Bruce

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