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On 9/22, The Wall Street Journal ran an article entitled "Internet Provides
the Means to Check Competing Salaries," by Joann S. Lublin, a staff
The article was enhanced by personal stories about being able to negotiate
better salaries by doing your homework and knowing salaries appropriate to
skills, experience, and region.
"In a world where information is power, salary negotiations have long been
greatly imbalanced. But the Internet is changing that, as burgeoning
numbers of Web sites offer salary surveys, job listing with specified pay
levels and even customized compensation analyses. Armed with this data,
workers are finding their hands strengthened as they haggle over compensa-
tion for a new job -- or try to improve their pay at a current one.."
"For most job seekers, cyberspace pay information merely represents a
starting point. Free surveys posted online provide pay information for
a generic position but don't always take into account industry, company
size, specific skills, geography -- and demand..."
Without the accompanying personal testimonials, here are some of the
websites cited in the article as particularly helpful:
Marshall Consultants (A New York executive search firm; their site
contains salary information supplied by more than 16,000
communications professionals)
JobSmart (run by a regional public library in San Mateo, CA; offers
links to 150 free salary surveys on the Web that draw about
4,000 visitors a day - Note: some data are from 1996 or limited
to California)
Exec-U-Net (a for-profit job search network; divulges free information
about the salary, bonus and stock options offered for about 650
upper-management positions entirely updated every two weeks -
Note: for a $125 fee, users can get more specific info and
contacts for those listings)
Futurestep (pay analysis for people eligible for managerial posts
paying $50K - $200K a year - Note: this is an alliance between
recruiters Korn/Ferry International and The Wall Street Journal;
participants are automatically subject to queries from
Wageweb (average salaries for more than 150 clerical, professional and
managerial jobs - Note: charges $100 for breakdowns by industry,
geography, etc.)
PinPoint Salary Service (individualized pay analyses, based on title,
experience, desired industry, etc. - Note: first job analysis
CareerMosaic (claims to have 70,000 job listings; roughly 20% of those
listings contain salary information)
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
In addition, check out WSJ's wonderful FREE site full of useful
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By the way, I have nothing whatsoever to do with WSJ or any of the websites
mentioned here. I just wanted to share the information with my peers and
checked first with Eric to see if it was okay to do so.