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Subject:Re: Ranges: Two or Three From:"Marilyn Baldwin (mlbb -at- capgroup -dot- com)" <Marilyn_Baldwin -at- CAPGROUP -dot- COM> Date:Tue, 22 Sep 1998 12:25:10 -0700
Hi, Melissa -
Is there some reason for using the awkward "range" construction? I much
prefer to approach it from the "encompasses" or "includes" perspective,
which is typically a list format and imposes no limits - e.g.,
Such electronic services may include (but are not limited to):
- Medical device tracking
- Robot calibration
- Part inspection
You get the idea. I tend to greatly dislike those
trying-to-be-all-inclusive range statements, finding them awkward and
user-unfriendly, but that might just be picky me. %^)
- Marilyn Baldwin (mlbb -at- capgroup -dot- com)
From: Melissa L. Mrakava
cc: (bcc: Marilyn Baldwin/CDS/CG/CAPITAL)
Subject: Ranges: Two or Three
Hi Guys,
I am working for a fairly high tech manufacturing company doing customer
support, technical writing, and some marketing. My question is a fairly
one (I hope). When listing ranges is it correct to use three or is there no
For example: " ... ranging from medical device tracking to robot
calibration and
part inspection."
We are having a number of debates over this in our office so any insight
could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Melissa Mrakava
melissa -at- ndigital -dot- com
Melissa Mrakava Mail ID : melissa -at- ndigital -dot- com
Northern Digital Inc. Phone : (519) 884-5142
403 Albert Street : (800) 265-2741
Waterloo, Ontario (Canada and USA)
Canada N2L 3V2 Fax : (519) 884-5184
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