RE : Programmer`s ego ( I was one, I understand) (longish reply)
I have something to add to Robert's comments/feelings. It is true that programmers tend to stuff some parameters in the face of the users but I think that trend is decreasing. Most parameters to software are now kept out of the way of the users.
More importantly, I hope that his message is not a harbringer of a new trend where everything about the software is hidden and not manipulatable(?). Using the same brake analogy, the user may not care how the brake works, but he does care whether the brakes work properly. The person to ensure that the brakes are safe is the mechanic. If car manufacturers prevents/obstruct the mechanic from accessing the brakes components.. Uh-Oh.....
I happen to one of those people who like fiddling around with knobs and controls, fine-tuning things to my own satisfaction. Maybe programmers can design their software so that the car owner and the mechanic can both get their wishes.
Lim Wei Siong Vincent
Software Resource Engineer
Singapore Software Center -
Global Software Division
Motorola Electronics Pte Ltd
Tel : 65 - 486 7657 Fax : 65 - 481 6997
Email : wslim -at- crtc -dot- corp -dot- mot -dot- com
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