Re: Techwriting Prestige

Subject: Re: Techwriting Prestige
From: ComstocJ -at- KOCHIND -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 09:24:22 -0600

All of a sudden, technical writers are all the rage around here--in
Kansas, no less. A couple of years ago, you couldn't get arrested as a
technical writer, unless you were an engineer and really liked
airplanes. Now I'm getting offers I can't take, and making much more
money. I'm in Wichita now, and Kansas City is booming even more. Plus,
people seem to have realized that it's nice to have instructions with
that product they're shipping, preferably instructions that make sense.

Julie Comstock-Fisher
Technical Writer (Consultant)
comstocj -at- kochind -dot- com

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