Help: 'Computer Operators Manual' or 'User Guide' -Reply

Subject: Help: 'Computer Operators Manual' or 'User Guide' -Reply
From: Carol Van Natta <CVANNATT -at- ITC -dot- NRCS -dot- USDA -dot- GOV>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 1998 08:21:26 -0700

Based on my experience over the years, but on no
hard-and-fast rule, I would expect a "computer operator's
manual" to cover hardware/firmware, and a "user guide" to
cover software. I would not expect a particular audience
expertise level for either -- I've seen both types written for
neophytes ("and now magic Mr. Computer will...") to experts.

>>> Mark Jordan <mjordan -at- TSSC -dot- CO -dot- NZ> 1/25/98 5:59
pm >>>
Greetings everyone,

Is there any understood difference in the content of a
document entitled
'Computer Operators Manual' and a 'User Guide'.

More specifically I would like to know if there is a
pre-conceived standard
understanding of the type of content that each of these
should have or the
type of audience that they should be tergetted for.

Thanks in advance for your assistance


(o o)

Mark Jordan
Technical Writer, NZ TSSC Ltd
Level 6, Corner Taranaki and Manners Streets,
Wellington, New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 381-6267 Fax: +64 4 381-6262
email: mjordan -at- tssc -dot- co -dot- nz

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