Re: Contractors of Questionable Ability and making the leap

Subject: Re: Contractors of Questionable Ability and making the leap
From: Sella Rush <SellaR -at- APPTECHSYS -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:07:41 -0800

I recently got saddled with the job of finding a programmer for a
project. A tough job that forced me to look far and wide. One of the
big problems we had was finding someone willing to work on a permanent
basis--everyone wants to contract because that's where the money is--so
the rumor goes.

I think that what I saw for programmers may have some validity for tech
writers, too. What I saw, amid the few gems, were truckloads of people
with no degrees, less than a year's work experience, a few of the hot
catch phrases scattered about, and a non-negotiable demand for salaries
over $50K or $80/hr rates. These days, virtually everyone know that
computers is the place to be--lots of jobs, high salaries--so everyone
and their cousin is trying to cash in. For a large group of these
wannabes, doing a *good* job simply doesn't enter the equation. Get in,
get out--with the money.

I wonder if some of this mentality has bled over to tech writing, where
jobs are plentiful also.

Personally, I do plan to contract in the future, but I just about keel
over if I think of doing it now--there's so much I either have to learn
or improve on. I consider myself in an apprenticeship right now
(working captive)--three years to go--and there are very specific goals
I've set for myself before I bump myself up. Plenty of people
would--and have!--told me I'm missing the bandwagon, tiptoeing too much,
etc., but at least I know I'll have a fighting chance of doing a great
job when I do start.

How do others see their transition from captive to contract?
Sella Rush
mailto:sellar -at- apptechsys -dot- com
Applied Technical Systems, Inc. (ATS)
Bremerton, Washington USA
Developers of the CCM Database

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