Re: DISCUSS: Shortage of techwriters?

Subject: Re: DISCUSS: Shortage of techwriters?
From: Sella Rush <SellaR -at- APPTECHSYS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 18:42:11 -0800

I expect that "teleworking" opportunities will increase in the next few
years. You'll be in better shape than me, Jean, because you're
struggling now to build good experience and reference, while I'm sitting
around waiting for it to hit the mainstream. Guess I'd better get on
the ball.

The company I work for recently had a negative experience with a
telecommuting contractor. It was a combined problem involving the
contractor's overfull workload (multiple contracts) and his failure to
maintain even long-distance communication. I can definitely see
management's unwillingness to go through that again; on the other hand,
they do let me work at home one day a week, depending on circumstances.
Sella Rush
mailto:sellar -at- apptechsys -dot- com
Applied Technical Systems, Inc. (ATS)
Bremerton, Washington USA
Developers of the CCM Database

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