Re: HELP: Printing Word in Letter layout onto Tabloid?

Subject: Re: HELP: Printing Word in Letter layout onto Tabloid?
From: Scott Browne <sbrowne -at- UNICOMP -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 16:37:20 -0600

Beth Friedman wrote in response to my problem:

> Two possible solutions, neither of which is really a printing
> solution. Set the document up as Tabloid paper, two column, forcing
> it to start on an odd-numbered page. Make sure the gutter width is
> equivalent to the left margin plus the right margin.
> Or -- the low-tech solution -- print the document as four separate
> pages, and paste them to two 11x17 sheets of paper. I'd recommend
> this one, unless you need to print out originals for distribution
> instead of making a printout and copying that.

These were my initial solutions as well. I ran into the following

The document did have to be printed as an original for distribution.
This is a low-budget newsletter and it contains some scanned photos, so
doing a manual cut and paste followed by photocopying loses too much
image quality.

I also tried changing the document setup to Tabloid, two column. What
is making this difficult is that the newsletter is already arranged in
a two column format on the 8.5 X 11 layout. And different sections have
a different column layout, so it's not even consistent the whole way
through. If this were PageMaker, I would know how to handle the
situation. But setting up columns within columns, with differert parts
of the page being single or double column, is not something I'm very
strong at in Word.


sbrowne -at- unicomp -dot- net

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