Re: HELP: Printing Word in Letter layout onto Tabloid?

Subject: Re: HELP: Printing Word in Letter layout onto Tabloid?
From: Beth Friedman <bjf -at- WAVEFRONT -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 16:07:31 -0600

In our previous episode, Scott Browne said:
> Is there a way to get Word to print a doc in Letter layout onto Tabloid
> paper? I don't mind printing one page, then feeding the paper back in to
> print the next, then turning the paper over, etc. I just don't want to
> have to layout the thing again.
> If I can't find a printing solution, I'm going to lay it out in
> PageMaker (like it should have been in the first place) but I'm hoping
> for an easy way out.

Two possible solutions, neither of which is really a printing
solution. Set the document up as Tabloid paper, two column, forcing
it to start on an odd-numbered page. Make sure the gutter width is
equivalent to the left margin plus the right margin.

Or -- the low-tech solution -- print the document as four separate
pages, and paste them to two 11x17 sheets of paper. I'd recommend
this one, unless you need to print out originals for distribution
instead of making a printout and copying that.

Beth Friedman bjf -at- wavefront -dot- com
"The pantry seems entirely full of Woodvilles
And Clarence has drunk two-thirds of the cellar
I wonder where my brother Richard is." -- John M. Ford

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