Re: Grimoires and Magic

Subject: Re: Grimoires and Magic
From: Suzy Davis <andavis -at- AU1 -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 18:15:01 -0500

Just looked up.

For me it's about busines process context rather than computer process context,
but then I mostly write manuals for large corporations and my clients usually
love that they've finally got something to give to newbies which explains their
system and their business.

I don't think that users necessarily need to know what the designer was trying
to acheive because it is often irrelevant to the user of the system. For
example, a data entry operator needs to know that particular codes mean certain
things and if they use the wrong codes a particular set of events will occur.
Events which rarely effect the computer. They don't necessarily need to know
why fast response times are achieved, or that this data is in a one-many
relationship with that data. Sometimes it is relevant, mostly not.

Computers are just a vehicle, a means by which business objectives are achieved.

That's my 2 cents.

Suzy Davis
Technical Writer

Internet: andavis -at- au1 -dot- ibm -dot- com
Office: (03) 9626 6267
Mobile: (014) 049 242

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