Re: user guide or help

Subject: Re: user guide or help
From: Suzy Davis <andavis -at- AU1 -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 18:48:29 -0500

Funny, I was just thinking about the same thing.

I use "Help" for the kind of online user manual you describe because it is
accessible through the application. I use "User Guide" for any hardcopy or
online book which is separate to the application. For example, I can load a
copy of the Word 97 guide on my computer which, if I loaded it, would be
separate to the Word application and Word's online Help. If this manual was
accessible through Word itself I would call it "Help".

It doesn't matter to me what the structure of the online Help as to whether I
call it Help or the manual it is how I access it.

Suzy Davis
Technical Writer

Internet: andavis -at- au1 -dot- ibm -dot- com
Office: (03) 9626 6267
Mobile: (014) 049 242

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