QUESTION: freelance rates

Subject: QUESTION: freelance rates
From: Kristen Pederson <kristen -at- DEMOSHIELD -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 16:48:49 -0600

Here's the situation. I'm leaving my current position to take advantage
of another full-time opportunity. My current employer has not found a
replacement for me, yet, and we have a major software product release
that I am seeing through before my departure. There are some projects
beyond this release that, if completed, would benefit the company. I
have offered to take them on a project basis.

Now the question: They have asked me to come up with a proposal for
a flat rate (not billable hours). I have no idea how to calculate this
or if I should high-ball in anticipation of a negotiation. Can anyone
help me?



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