Re: Printing PDFs

Subject: Re: Printing PDFs
From: Gail Gurman <gail -at- HOMEMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Jan 1998 20:37:59 +0000

Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about blurriness
in PDF graphics. (Also, "sorry" to anyone who received a rejection
message from my sometimes-over-zealous spam filter. I do have copies
of your messages, so you don't need to resend them.)

First of all, a few details I left out:

I'm printing on a PostScript printer, using JasCapture to create
screen captures as TIFs, importing graphics as references at various
"dpis" (I put that in quotes because, for Frame, that is basically
just a way of determining size, not resolution), and not resizing
them manually.

Just now, I tried turning off compression to convert a chapter, and
it worked! The graphics were sharp. Because of the way Acrobat
Reader displays docs initially, some of the graphics are not
perfectly clear immediate, but look better with magnification. This
does not bother me. My main concern is that they print clearly from
Reader, so that readers can print their own clear copies. Besides
that, all of the graphics in this book are screen shots. They don't
have to be perfectly clear because the doc is meant to be read while
using the application, so as long as the help the reader identify
the correct thing on the screen, that's fine, though I do want
callouts to be clear.

I will experiment with different levels of compression so that I can
make my PDFs as small as possible and still have them be clear.

Thanks again to everyone who responded!

Gail Gurman | Email -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- -dot- gail -at- homemail -dot- com
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