Advice on Horton's Icon book

Subject: Advice on Horton's Icon book
From: "Jessica N. Lange" <jlange -at- OHIOEE -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 1998 08:02:39 -0500

Greetings and Happy New Year!

I've been asked to help with icons for our new product--I've had graphic
design training, tho' it was years ago. I am looking at getting Wm Horton's
book "The Icon Book : Visual Symbols for Computer Systems and
Documentation". (I do have his other book "Illustrating Computer

Does anyone have any comments about this book? Is it helpful? The
publication date is 1994: is the book out of date? Is there another book
aimed at designing graphics for SW GUI that someone recommends?

Here's a strange thing: has this listed twice. The paperback is
listed at $29.95 ($23.96) with 2-3 day availability. Another version,
labeled "Diskette Edition,
Hardcover" is listed at $15.00 ($10.50) (with a 4-6 week availabilty). Both
are published by John Wiley, March 1994.

Does anyone have any idea why the difference between these two?

Thanks for any help you can provide!

Jessica N. Lange
Technical Communicator
Ohio Electronic Engravers, Inc.
mailto:jlange -at- ohioee -dot- com

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