Department Structure

Subject: Department Structure
From: Annalee Foster <scripta -at- GJ -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 1 Jan 1998 11:54:57 -0700

Hello all,

Can anyone out there describe for me their working relationship with a
graphic's department when producing a technical manual?

For instance:

1. What part do you as technical writer's play in the production
aspects of the manual, and what part do your graphic artist's play?

2. Who is responsible for managing the development life-cycle of the

3. Who has final say over the structure of the manual, technical
writer's or graphic artist's?

4. Do the graphic artist's determine the layout only, or do they also
determine whether there are sufficient means to navigate through the
document (such as TOC and Index)

5. Are all these responsibilities shared by both entities as a team?

Thanks in advance for the information!

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone. It's been a great experience finding
all of you out here in cyberspace. My hat is off to a wonderful group
of professional people.


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