Set at

Subject: Set at
From: Richard Mateosian <srm -at- C2 -dot- ORG>
Date: Sat, 9 Sep 1995 01:06:23 -0700

>> This only works if my COM port is set at 19.2 kbaud.

>i.e. set by the computer, the signal, a passing stranger, or someone
>(something?) unspecified.

>... but I'm in England, and the translation of such subtleties may be
>completely different in the US!

Here in the USA, "x is set at y" means that the device x has a variety of
possible states (settings) into which a computer, signal, passing stranger,
or other agent can place it, and that it currently occupies the state known
as y. ...RM

Richard Mateosian President, Berkeley STC
Freelance Technical Writer srm -at- c2 -dot- org Review Editor, IEEE Micro

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