STC Salary Survey

Subject: STC Salary Survey
From: "Nancy S. Burns" <nburns -at- NOAO -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 1994 11:39:50 -0825

I called STC (Society for Technical Communication) headquarters today to
inquire about the 1994 salary survey. The representative told me that they
were mailing the survey by the end of this week with the Intercom
newsletter. (This is the bi-annual, national survey that was due out last

Nancy S. Burns
National Solar Observatory
Tucson, Arizona
e-mail: nburns -at- noao -dot- edu

"Writing a poem is taking over the 200-inch telescope carefully focused on
the galaxies born at the beginning of the universe and turning it to look
at a child eating mystery meat and string beans 300 miles away." from
"Incantation to Overcome Writer's Block, Maybe" by Lisa Yount.

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