Summary: Long Posts

Subject: Summary: Long Posts
From: Jim Grey <jwg -at- ACD4 -dot- ACD -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 1994 11:00:16 -0500

Gentle people,

I'm just back from two weeks' vacation. I posted two queries before
I left; I'll now summarize responses.

This post summarizes responses to the complaint I made about lengthy
posts, usually about conferences and such. I prefer such posts to be
sharply abridged, and include an address to query for more information.

I received nine responses, via E-mail and post to techwr-l. This tells
me that most of you aren't concerned by this problem. Of the responses,
seven agree with me, and two do not. Most who agreed echoed my sentiments,
so I won't repost them. Here are the dissentions:

John Gough (john -at- atrium -dot- com):
>Strongly disagree. One of the advantages of the net is access
>without bureacracy. Also, nonprofits should not have to fund
>the overhead of multiple queries--they're stretched pretty
>thin as it is.

Nora Merhar (merhar -at- ALENA -dot- CORP -dot- ROCKWELL -dot- COM):
>I'm afraid I'm a dissenter here--I _like_ the long posts. My system shows
>each individual e-mail and where it's from, so I can see how long each one is,
>and if I think it's too long to read and respond to immediately, I print it
>out and save it to read for later (I'm on another list, by the way, where
>the postings sometimes run to a thousand or more lines, and are often
>in Estonian! Does anybody out there know a good Estonian dictionary? Or
>maybe would like to translate for me?) Anyway, I like to have all the
>information at once.

Thanks also to:
Cindy Hollingsworth (CHOLLING -at- indycms -dot- iupui -dot- edu)
Dianne Driskell (ddriskel -at- cs -dot- utexas -dot- edu)
Julie Gephart (jm_gephart -at- pnl -dot- gov)
David Bergart (bodafu -at- ccvax -dot- sinica -dot- edu -dot- tw)
Charles Sides (csides -at- fscvax -dot- fsc -dot- mass -dot- edu)
Sue Stewart (suepstewrt -at- aol -dot- com)
Marilynne Smith (m -dot- smith182 -at- GENIE -dot- GEIS -dot- COM)

These aren't enough data points, and don't represent a strong enough
interest in the issue, for me to recommend a change. I hope, though,
that those of you who might post conference info or calls for papers
will consider posting general information and listing an address for

jim grey
jim grey |"Ain't nothin' better in the world, you know
jwg -at- acd4 -dot- acd -dot- com |Than lyin' in the sun, listenin' to the radio" - D. Boone
jimgrey -at- delphi -dot- com|GO/M d p+ c++(-) l u+ e- m*@ s+/ n+ h f++ g- w+@ t+ r- y+(*)
|ACD, Terre Haute, IN -- The Silicon Cornfield

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