Re: Printing process for good quality screen shots

Subject: Re: Printing process for good quality screen shots
From: nash -at- MUDSHARK -dot- SUNQUEST -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 11:33:53 PDT

I've been using a Windows-based product called Picture Publisher for about a
year. It gives me the leverage to create .tif, .tga, .gif, .bmp, .dib, .pcx,
eps, .dcs, .ipg, and .pp4 type files. It has more color and black & white
controls than I know what to do with. It also has a built-in scanner gui that
is better than the orginal one that came with our scanner. What makes Picture
Publisher great at creating good quality screen shots is that its main focus
(no pun) is as a complete photo manipulation tool for publishings, but
it also contains its own image capture utility for screen shots, giving you the

option of creating full color, full grey scale, line art only, and image
reversal output from 300 to 600 dpi. So far the quality has been very good;
especially with second-hand output (that is, photocopying original copies).

Its only drawback, I feel, is that it is not exactly the most intuitive
software package I've every used. However, once I figured out how to create
line art out of screen captures I became an avid supporter.

It's produced by Micrografx, 1303 Arapaho, Richardson, TX 75082, PH:

Short of having a real budget that includes using a service bureau to create
1200 to 2400 dpi output, this software package has been a good second best.

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