Re: Printing process for good quality screen shots

Subject: Re: Printing process for good quality screen shots
From: Amy Ariel <amy -at- MERCURY -dot- CO -dot- IL>
Date: Tue, 19 Jul 1994 17:27:10 IDT

I would like to know how we can improve the quality of captured screens
that have a 3-d look based on a grey background.

One of our products is based on Paradox, and all of the screens have a
grey background, with text and details appearing in black, white, or
darker grey. In the captured and printed screens, the text on the grey
background is not legible. Changing the background to light grey or
white in a paint program is not successful because some of the lines
that define objects (buttons, lists, etc.) are lost.

Since we have to capture a large volume of screens, we can't heavily
edit each one. I'd appreciate your suggestions.


Amy Ariel Technical Documentation Email: amy -at- mercury -dot- co -dot- il
Tel: +972 3 5388888, +972 3 5388844 Fax: +972 3 5331617
Mercury Interactive (Israel) Ltd P.O.B. 501, Or Yehuda 60218, Israel


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