What moves, screen or message?

Subject: What moves, screen or message?
From: "Robert E. Allen" <re_allen -at- PNL -dot- GOV>
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 1994 22:53:08 GMT

Technically, it's a non-issue, but in my mind, I always pictured
the document moving behind a motionless screen. After this
thread started, I noticed that if I was at the left edge of a
document that ran off of the right edge of the display, the
Windows scrolling arrow I used was the right-pointing arrow,
indicating that the display was moving over a motionless
document. Otherwise, I would have used a left-pointing
arrow to move the document to the left.

So thanks a bunch, now my mind is really messed up. I should
flame all previous participants in this thread for being
insensitive to the ambidextriously challenged.


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