Format for Standards Tables

Subject: Format for Standards Tables
From: "Doug, Data Librarian at Ext 4225" <engstromdd -at- PHIBRED -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 1994 13:38:43 -0500


Just to clarify my comments. I don't think the idea of standards tables is
fundamentally unworkable or a bad idea. It IS more complex than it first
appears, and it will have some serious problems down the line if it isn't
planned well at the beginning, but basically it's a good idea, IMHO.

I've gotten some mail indicating that my comments on the need for good
data administration might be interpreted as shooting down the idea, and I
just wanted to clear things up. It's less complex than some projects I'm
working on now, and has great potential.

Doug "Not Volunteering to Head the Project, Though" Engstrom
ENGSTROMDD -at- phibred -dot- com

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