My last (I promise)

Subject: My last (I promise)
From: RoseRead -at- AOL -dot- COM
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 1994 00:36:38 EDT

I want to apologize in advance to the list on posting ONE MORE TIME on this
subject, and like Michael, I will ask that this topic be retired to private
e-mail. I will gladly continue the discussion there.

MIchael Priestly writes:

>In brief: Kim, if you agreed with Heli, you should have let my >provocation
>pass without a comment, or with a gentle reproach. It's what >she

> I do not advocate flame wars. I don't like them. Social >pressure
I don't think you are in any position to advise me on what I "should" or
"should not" do. I don't think my response was "ungentle", I considered it
a well thought out argument against what I considered inflammatory statements
on your part (i.e. "fascist, censorship, individual rights"). In fact, I
spent a good deal of time writing that, carefully choosing how I said what I

I stand by my arguments, along with those who have supported them both on the
list and in private. I still find your reasoning reactionary, inflammatory,
and flawed. I acknowledge your right to hold and express these opinions, but
please, in the future, refrain from telling me and others what we should and
should not do in response to that which we find objectionable, when you
yourself do not do the same.

And you might want to follow your own advice here, by responding to me
privately in the future.

Kim T.
roseread -at- aol -dot- com

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