Writer or Editor or both?

Subject: Writer or Editor or both?
Date: Wed, 6 Jul 1994 20:59:48 PDT

I'm designing an academic program in technical communication and I'm
considering the feasibility of separate writing and editing tracks. I suspect
that most technical communicators do a bit of both, and that while some
separate courses may work, separate programs would be a mistake.

So to get some real data to back up my suspicions, could you folks send me a
note with WRITER, EDITOR, or BOTH on the Subject line, to indicate what your
job function includes? I'm just concerned with these functions--I know there
are graphic artists, instructional designers, and the like out there.

Please just use the Subject line--no messages--I don't have time to open all
the email I'm hoping to get, so I'll just count titles and delete them
unopened. I'll post the results on Friday (I'm facing a deadline for this
proposal, so please send me your response before then.) If you want to send
me a note just send it separately. Thanks! You guys are swell!
Rich Julius Oracle Corporation
Senior Technical Writer Box 659504
Decision Support Systems 500 Oracle Parkway
(415) 506-4971 Redwood Shores, CA 94065

President, Berkeley Chapter, Society for Technical Communication

"The advantage of a classical education is that it enables you to despise
the wealth which it prevents you from achieving." --Russell Green

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