Bad writing

Subject: Bad writing
From: Richard Sobocinski <"Richard_G_Sobocinski%~WHC207"@CCMAIL.PNL.GOV>
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 1994 17:30:00 -0700

Here's one a former boss (of a now-defunct company :-) ) INSISTED I
leave in (he wrote it):

"<Product name> facilitates easier manipulation of sixbit data files."

I tried explaining to him that "facilitates" MEANS "make easier."
He didn't believe me.

I even showed him the dictionary definition of "facilitate" where it
was defined as "make easier." He STILL wouldn't let me remove the
word "easier!"


Senior Technical Writer
UNIX Product Line Division

I worked for a guy like that once. His motto was "bigger is
better". The more drivel he could fill a page with the
better in his eyes. He thought it was "impressive". He
even said that to me once! The client caught on after awhile
(they couldn't understand anything he wrote), he got the boot
and I got his job. For technical writing, I always strive to
say the most with the least amount of words.


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