Job Markets in Midwest

Subject: Job Markets in Midwest
From: Robert Simon <simonro -at- EXPERT -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 14:14:31 -0500

Although I have yet to enter to working world, I believe Indianapolis and
Chicago to be great places for technical writers. I have concentrated my
intern searches their and have met with great success.

Their are many types of industry a technical communicator could become
involved with such as:

1) Energy - The Gas Research Institute in Chicago and any other
energy consulting or utility.

2) Pharmacutical and Medical - Ely Lilly in Indy and any hospital
one of my prof's used to do ghost writing for
medical doctors for instance

3) Publishing - In Indy their are numerous opportunities with
a) IDG Books (the dummy people)
b) Paramount (Prentice Hall Computer Publishing and their
numerous imprints such as Alpha, Haydon, Howard
W. Sams, Cue, Cue College, etc...)

4) Industry - Allison Gas Turbine(indy) is thinking of hiring an
in doc. dept. instead of hiring contracting firms.
Arthur Andersen, Price Waterhouse, Allied Signal,
Caterpillar, Thompson Consumer Electronics, Dow
Chemical and many smaller firms that are expanding
all have writing departments and are in or around
Indy and Chicago.

5) Contract Writing firms. I know of 6 in Indy -- I'm sure there
are more.

2415 Directors Drive Suite E
Indianapolis, IN 46241

Belcan Tech Services Inc.
8355 Rockville Rd
Indianapolis, IN 46234

8910 Purdue Road Suite 150
Indianapolis, IN 46268

Technetics Corp.
6408 Castleplace Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46250

H.L. Yoh
2410 Executive Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46241

AEL Defense Corp
Address ????

6) Defense Writing - The Naval Surface Warfare Company or some
other such named company is also in Indy.

As far as getting hired, it has been my experience so far that smaller
companies that are expanding hire far more frequently and are a lot more
fun than large corporations that have become steeped in red tape. I hear
downsizing makes these companies even less enjoyable if one manages to
avoid the economic axe.

Anyway what do I know? I'm still looking for a good intern this summer
and a job when I graduate in December 95. I completely positive about the
whole thing though.

By the way. Did anyone mention how valuable researching a company can
be in the job search process. Anticipating their concerns and questions?
How about selling your strengths and turning perceived "weaknesses" into
advantages. I can't help but think that getting a job involves more of
being a good salesman of yourself than what areas of expertise and
knowledge you have. Isn't a writer supposed to know the needs, wants,
concerns and questions of their audiences? Job hunting is the same thing

Robert Simon | I'm always looking for

Purdue University | for a techwriting/editing/
simonro -at- expert -dot- cc -dot- purdue -dot- edu | DTP internship. Have info?
| Please e-mail me.

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