Alternative to mouse

Subject: Alternative to mouse
From: FOLTZ_J -at- DT3 -dot- DT -dot- UH -dot- EDU
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 12:35:38 -0600

Sorry to bother the entire bulletin board with this, but I got a little
too quick with the delete key and zapped the note asking for
information on a device like a pen that could be used like a mouse.

I recently bought a product called MacHandwriter. Although this name is
obviously directed to the Mac, it is worth checking out to see if their is
an IBM version. The manufacturer is Communication Intelligence Corporation.
Phone: 1-800-888-9242 ext. 5026 or (4, I could
never get through on the phone to talk to a sales re . Their fax number is
(415) 802-7777. The price at the time was a limited time offer (aren't
they all) at $199.00. The offer was supposed to end on 2/28/94.
Ask for that price, the worst thing that can happen is they can say no.

Part of their add says:
From their ad:
It's here: maximum synergy between your brain and your Macintosh. We're
proud to introduce MacHandwriter, the all-in-one input device for entering
graphics, text and commands. Point, write and draw as simply as with
pen and paper.

Don't know if this will fit the bill. Best of luck.

Foltz_J -at- dt -dot- uh -dot- edu

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