Help with phrasing

Subject: Help with phrasing
From: Jack Shaw <jsh -at- SOFTWARE-AG -dot- DE>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 1994 13:54:48 MEZ

On B. Bononno's query about "Retrofit in case of problems",
I can imagine this phrase could make the NASA folks break
out in hives. There, if you have problems with the "retros"
(those rockets that push the other way to slow you down),
it can really give you fits -- particularly when you're
doing re-entry...

And that's the problem I have with "retrofits" itself, since
it means "backward" (as do retrograde, retrogress, and the like).
Or, something you'd better do fast when the "new, improved"
upgrade leaves a pool of hydraulic fluid all over the floor...

So if that's what's meant, why not good old "Restoring the
Widget Wonder if Problems Occur", or the like -- ? Let
the engineers call it "Retrofitting..." to their constriction
pump's content, but for the body public...

IMHO'ing the day away...

J. Shaw
jsh -at- software-ag -dot- de

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