hit the key, kill the program, etc.

Subject: hit the key, kill the program, etc.
From: Michael LaTorra <mikel -at- ACCUGRAPH -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 11:26:17 MDT

I agree with Elizabeth about this. These terms make sense to me; they
don't offend me. Besides, how would "we" (the gods & goddesses of
sacred Technical Writing) forbid such usage? Does anyone want to
penalize it?

"Hit the key, kill the program ... go to jail."

Live long & prosper,
Mike LaTorra

Documentation Supervisor
Accugraph Inc.
mikel -at- huey -dot- accugraph -dot- com

=========== copy of original follows ===================================

"Hit the key, kill the program, fatal error, bomb out,
crash, blow up" What's wrong with these? No, I don't see these terms
fading away. For people like me, they express very well the way they
often feel when they use their computers.

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