Language usage

Subject: Language usage
From: Valarie <TASSARI -at- CGI -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 1994 10:07:35 -0400

In his most recent message, Kirby Hall writes:

"What I find interesting is the very wholesome and clean nature of
the verbiage you all choose to use."

Please tell me why people should resort to swearing and using vulgar
language to convey a message? We certainly don't do that in our
documentation, nor do our customer support staffs do that when a user
calls in with a question that is clearly stated in the documentation!

Aren't the members of this list communicating their feelings
suitably enough for you in the proper manner? Can't you tell when
a discussion is heated? I surely can! In my opinion, using vulgarities
would provoke ill feelings toward other members of the mail list.
If you can't state your opinion logically and rationally, then
keep your mouth shut!

If I start to see vulgarities cross this mail list, I'll surely
unsubscribe. ...and that would be a shame since the sharing of
information that takes place on this list is exceptional!

Val Tassari
tassari -at- cgi -dot- com

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