Book Reviewers' Meeting at STC Conference--Addendum

Subject: Book Reviewers' Meeting at STC Conference--Addendum
From: Legislative Serv Ctr <amurphy -at- WLN -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 19 Apr 1994 12:49:16 -800

My thanks to you sharp-eyed folks who scanned my invitation to join our
informal breakfast table(s) at the Minneapolis conference and talk about
reviewing books for _Technical Communication_. Here are answers to
questions already asked by respondents--

1. The day we'll be meeting will be Tuesday.

2. Yes, it would be a good idea to bring along a writing sample. We can
always do some serious business while swallowing pastries and melon wedges.

3. My name (unsigned on the original note!) is Avon Murphy. In my spare
time this year, I'm serving also as Program Manager for the conference.

I knew I shouldn't have shot off that message while answering three phone

Avon Murphy
Book Review Editor
Technical Communication

Legislative Service Center
2404 Chandler Court SW
Olympia, WA 98502

Voice 206-786-7052
Fax 206-786-7234
Internet amurphy -at- wln -dot- com

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