
Subject: Ridiculous
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- CCLINK -dot- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 1994 08:06:21 PST

Looks like I missed something. Suddenly I'm reading messages that
some of you feel "abort" is offensive in computer documentation. I
can hardly believe I am reading a list whose members are intelligent
and, for the most part, educated writers.

You can dislike me for telling you so, but I'd like to make a point.
I like to think of myself as a good little Catholic girl who,
certainly, is antiabortion. This, however, has NOTHING to do with

This is ridiculous!

Mark Levinson, for some reason I didn't read your original message on
this subject but saw only bits of it as included messages in others'
posts. Do I understand correctly that you, also, are disputing the
use of "abort" in computer documentation? I ask because I have always
enjoyed what you had to say on this list and how you say it, and this
would be such a disappointment!

Beth Vollbach
evollbach -at- logicon -dot- com

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