Karen Kay's Response to Ronald Stone's Request

Subject: Karen Kay's Response to Ronald Stone's Request
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- CCLINK -dot- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 09:01:26 PST

This certainly does surprise me. I had been planning to include some
of the messages in this list in the column I write for San Diego's STC
newsletter because I enjoy so much the humorous way many of our list
members write. (I always wished I could write like that, but I can't,
so I became a technical writer.) It never occurred to me that someone
might feel "violated" if I did this. I thought people felt violated
when a stranger rummages through their important papers or when
they're raped. I was told that using TECHWR-L messages in my column
would be fine, even a good idea, as long as I get permission. Now I'm

I'd like to know whether others in the list would feel violated if I
borrow their writing.

Beth Vollbach
evollbach -at- logicon -dot- com

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