Internet and CD-ROM

Subject: Internet and CD-ROM
From: Gordon Meyer <grmeyer -at- GENIE -dot- GEIS -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 01:52:00 UTC

Should someone profit (ca$h) from something I so freely gave to
the world via Internet? No.

Should someone profit (knowledge) from something I so freely
gave to the world via Internet? Of course, why else did I post it?

Does the fact that someone gathered 500 FAQ's in one place and sells
them for $39.95 mean that I could have sold _my_ FAQ for 7 cents
and kept the money myself? Sure, if I thought it would be worth the
effort. Maybe these folks who are so bent should demand .01 in
royalty for every CD-ROM sold.

Now, before you flame me, I _have_ been "ripped off" in this manner
already. (Can you say "CuD"?) That doesn't mean I like it, or consent
to it happening again, but I try to be level-headed about it.

The bottom line is: If you think you've written the next "<insert
name of best-selling novel here>" then don't post it on the net. If
you write something and *choose to set it free on the net* then rack
up the good Karma and get on with your life.

Opinion mode off. Sorry for the slight topic drift, but I hope we
won't see techwr-l become littered with "(c)1994" sigs you find in
some places.

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