Internet and CD-ROM

Subject: Internet and CD-ROM
From: Pat Berry <pat -at- BERRY -dot- CARY -dot- NC -dot- US>
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 14:58:29 EDT

Gordon Meyer <grmeyer -at- GENIE -dot- GEIS -dot- COM> writes:

> The bottom line is: If you think you've written the next "<insert
> name of best-selling novel here>" then don't post it on the net. If
> you write something and *choose to set it free on the net* then rack
> up the good Karma and get on with your life.

What is this "set it free" nonsense? Posting something on the Net does
not in any way indicate that the author has relinquished any rights to
the work. Unless the author explicitly gives you permission to copy or
distribute the work, you have no right to do so.

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