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Subject:A "Remote" way to depart this list From:Gloria Rossi <rossi -at- UNM -dot- EDU> Date:Thu, 14 Apr 1994 09:51:00 MDT
Try using a dictionary (does anyone remember this old-fashioned resource
for independent souls?) The synonym you want is "distant". There's no
need for anyone to work so hard to come up with more
acronyms/abbreviations, as the respondent below has done.
And to the person who wanted to know how to get off this time-consuming
source of pedantry, just reverse the "subscribe" process:
Mail to: listserv -at- osuvm1 -dot- bitnet
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Message is: unsubscribe your_name techwr-l
At 2:09 PM 4/12/94 -0400, Len Olszewski wrote:
>> I'm looking for a synonym for "remote", used in the phrase
>> "Remote File System". The TLA (Three Letter Acronym) for this is "RFS",
>> which unfortunately conflicts with another TLA we use. So far I haven't
>> come across anything startlingly appropriate ("aloof file system" just
>> doesn't make it). Any thoughts?
>> Steven J. Owens
>You can hyphenate ======================> non-local file system
> off-site file system
>You can add a word =====================> remote access file system
> (RAFS) - an FLA
>You can subtract a word ================> remote system (RS, a 2LA)
> remote file (RF, another 2LA)
>You can substitute words ===============> remote system access
> remote file access
>|Len Olszewski, Technical Writer |"Thou gettest no bread with one |
>|saslpo -at- unx -dot- sas -dot- com|Cary, NC, USA| meatball." - Robert Sheckley |
>| Opinions this ludicrous are mine. Reasonable opinions will cost you.|
Gloria M. Rossi
Technical Editor
2701 Campus Blvd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131
(505) 277-8123